I am demonstrating the academic skills that are essential to perform at a high caliber as a college student. Since being in college biology I have introduced to the skill that I need to succeed in college. Week one I received a CR grade, week two I received a 70%, week three I received an 80%, week four I received a 77%, week five I received a 77%, and week six I received a 60% due to major lab grade. The grades that I have received are from KS connect.
I think with the help of my metacognitive skills, I have been able to succeed in this class. The three metacognitive skills that stick out to me the most are; self-regulation, meta-memory, and meta-comprehension.
I use self regulation by checking the weekly assignments on black board, knowing that it is my job to see find the assignments by myself. I think that this skill is needed in college because the professors are not going to hold your hand throughout college and they expect you take the initiative and do things on your own. The next skill is meta-memory, or knowing your own memory strategies. This skill, to me, was very important on our first exam. I learned that I learn best by repeating things over and over again. Having good studying strategies will help you in college because there will be many tests and I will need to have good studying strategies. Last but not least is meta-comprehension, being able to monitor the degree in which we understand is the most important. After self-evaluation, I learned that in order for me to really focus is that I need to give my full attention, and leave all of my distractions at the door.
A couple enjoyment stuff that people commonly tend to contemplate are available Economy is shown. https://imgur.com/a/9mlAh71 https://imgur.com/a/H1dRHAi https://imgur.com/a/s3LqB6z https://imgur.com/a/t50Kfoh http://hmwedeu3qm.dip.jp https://imgur.com/a/rU0feG5 https://imgur.com/a/5rMkmjq