Tuesday, December 13, 2016

QA 6

1. What types of measurement systems are there?
------Measurement is the assignment of a number to a characteristic of an object or event, which can be compared with other objects or events
2. why  do  engineers label  all measurements ?
 ------Engineering drawing and artistic drawing are both types of drawing, and either may be called simply "drawing" when the context is implicit.
3.what types of measurement are you familiar with?
----Whether you have patients, employees, or event attendees your Net Promoter Score gives you a quick way to get feedback by asking the ultimate 
4.what can you measure with the system of units?
-------As the number of possible tests for even simple software components is practically infinite, all software testing uses some strategy to select tests that are feasible for the available time and resources

QA 5

1. What types of energy are there?
-----Here’s what the types you mentioned mean, and a few other types too.2.How do engineers make cars safer ?-----With a new lightweight construction technology, researchers are making it possible to do both. The result is less fuel consumption and lower manufacturing costs.

QA 4

1. What jobs do different tools
---- secure the appliance in vise to hold the lamp in place and free your hands.
2. why is it important to have they right tool.
----Remove screws from the covering plate with a screwdriver or an electric drill remove  the plate to reveal the wiring inside.
3.What are some simple machines .
----The six types of simple machines are the pulley, the lever, the wedge, the wheel and axle, the inclined plane and the screw. Simple machines are designed to make work easier.
4. How do simple machines make work easier?
----Simple machines may convert one type of force to another, change the direction of an applied force or trade distance travelled for force applied

QA 3

1.how to shapes relate  to engineering ?
---There are an extensive mackerel and herring fishery, and motor engineering works.
2. what different shapes do engineers use to construct buildings.
---There are extensive collieries, and the other industries include cotton manufactures, calico-printing, hat-making, iron-founding, engineering and the manufacture of firebricks and tiles.

QA 2

1.what kinds of materials do people use to build structures?
-- Building material is any material which is used for construction purposes. Many naturally occurring substances, such as clay, rocks,sand, and wood, even twigs and leaves, have been used to construct buildings
2.Why are some materials better for projects than others ?
-- metal atom's aptitude to lose electrons to other atoms causes it to be more reactive. Involved in the scientifically determined aptitude is the speed at which a metal atom can lose electrons, as well as the substances with which the atom is likely to react


1. technicians maintain and improve the products create.
-  a person skilled in the technicalities of some subject
2. engineers apply matematics and science they create and improve products that people use.
- The definition of a technician is a person whose job or training involves a specific technical process, or is someone skilled or trained in a specific art or craft 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


I am demonstrating the academic skills that are essential to perform at a high caliber as a college student. Since being in college biology I have introduced to the skill that I need to succeed in college. Week one I received a CR grade, week two I received a 70%, week three I received an 80%, week four I received a 77%, week five I received a 77%, and week six I received a 60% due to major lab grade. The grades that I have received are from KS connect.
I think with the help of my metacognitive skills, I have been able to succeed in this class. The three metacognitive skills that stick out to me the most are; self-regulation, meta-memory, and meta-comprehension.
I use self regulation by checking the weekly assignments on black board, knowing that it is my job to see find the assignments by myself. I think that this skill is needed in college because the professors are not going to hold your hand throughout college and they expect you take the initiative and do things on your own. The next skill is meta-memory, or knowing your own memory strategies. This skill, to me, was very important on our first exam. I learned that I learn best by repeating things over and over again. Having good studying strategies will help you in college because there will be many tests and I will need to have good studying strategies. Last but not least is meta-comprehension, being able to monitor the degree in which we understand is the most important. After self-evaluation, I learned that in order for me to really focus is that I need to give my full attention, and leave all of my distractions at the door.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

ICT trends

Referring to both the global and the usa, and japan context, identify the four ICT trends and developments that, in your opinion, have the greatest impact on the ICT sector. Analyse how each of these trends affect your own environment. .
1 The internet: In terms of convenience and speed the internet „out sprints‟ the traditional telephone system. Some of the features that make it this super highway of information are: Ubiquity – it is available everywhere at the same time, as long as there is connection. This ensures global reach that touches many users at the same time. Universal standards – the technical standards of the Internet are the same in all countries.
This breaks down the language and cultural barriers which could otherwise be stumbling blocks to smooth connection. Also, there is interactivity with the use of the „net‟ through the many-tomany model of mass communication.
Laudon, K. and Laudon, J. (2020:330) The internet is a result of ICT development but by its very nature, as just outlined above, it has become a driver of further ICT trends and developments.
We can now talk of the convenience of virtual stores, money transfer, collaboration in projects by team members separated by oceans etc.
High speed broad band technology is increasingly making it more convenient to send large amounts of data or high quality sound and video.
USA and the rest of the world cannot talk about any ICT trend or development and not link it to the Internet. Examples are cloud computing, social networking, the mobile platform, wireless technology and others. But the internet has also spawned some „bad children‟.
We now worry about cyber crimes, phishing, hacking, malicious software etc which are caused by undesirable people amongst us.
My days are not complete without the internet any more. I send emails to my family, friends and business associates.
 I frequently work away from the office. Fortunately while I am away (unlike before the internet) it is possible for me...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


  1. affiliate               -   нэгдэх , охин компани , гишүүнээр элсэх
  2. banner                -   баннер , туг, толгой
  3. traffic                 -   мэдээлэл, өртөг , төлбөр
  4. percentage          -   хувь , бүтээгдэхүүн
  5. responsible         -   хариуцлага , ухамсар , ухаалаг
  6. obtain                 -   хүлээн авах , гаргаж авах , олж авах
  7. certifcate            -   эрхийн бичиг , батламж , гэрчилгээ
  8. authority            -   эрх мэдэл , нэр төр , зохиогч
  9. preferred            -   илүү дуртай , эрхэмлэх , илүүд үзэх
  10. bargain              -   хэлэлцээ , арилжаа , наймаа
  11. explain              -   тайлбарлах , зөвлөх , номлох
  12. direct                 -   удирдах , чиглүүлэх , захирах
  13. advertising          -   зар сурталчилгаа , реклам , зарлагдсан
  14. equipment           -   хэрэгсэл , тоног төрөөрөмж , аппрат
  15. consumer            -   хэрэглэгч , худалдан авагч , үйлчлүүлэгч

  1. separate                    -    бие даасан , салгах , тусгаарлах 
  2. save                          -    хадгалах , хамгаалах , хураах
  3. thought                     -    анхаарах , бодол санал , санал
  4. cost                           -    үнэ цэнэ, үнэ өртөг , зарлага
  5. reduce                       -    багасгах , хорогдох , буурах
  6. basic                         -    суурь ,  үндсэн , гол
  7. dedicated                  -    зориулагдсан , зохиулалтын, тусгай
  8. bridge                       -    гүүр , давах , богино холбох
  9. still                           -    тайвшруулах, хөдөлгөөнгүй , тогтонги
  10. instead                      -    оронд , оронд нь
  11. partner                      -    хоршоо , оролцогч , хамтрагч
  12. videoconference       -    видео хурал
  13. webcam                    -    веб камер
  14. dedicated                  -    зориулсан , зориулагдсан, тусгай
  15. multipoint                 -   олон цэгийн , олон цэгт
  16. echo                          -    цуурай , ойсон дохио, давталт
  17. cancellation              -    нөхөх , дарах , арилгах
  18. feature                      -    зүс царай , онцгой , онцлог

  1. to catch                                         -    барих , барьж авах
  2. separated                                      -    тусгаарлагдсан , хуваагдсан
  3. improving                                     -    чанарыг сайжруулах
  4. create                                            -    бүтээх , бий болгох , үүсгэх
  5. use                                                 -   хэрэглэх , ашиглах, хэрэглэгч
  6. effect                                             -   нөлөө , нөлөөлөл , үр нөлөө
  7. explore                                          -   өргөжүүлэлт , шинжих , олох
  8. user                                               -   хэрэглэгч , ашиглах эрх , ашиглагч
  9. clip art                                  -    дурс зургийн сан
  10. training                                 -    сургалт , бэлтгэл , сургалтын , хүмүүжил
  11. expert                                   -    мэргэжилтэн , шинжээч , эксперт
  12. page                                      -    хуудас , сонин , хэвлэл
  13. specialist                              -    эмч , боловсон хүчин , мэргэжилтэн
  14. background                           -   суурь , дэвсгэр , ар тал 
  15. full                                        -   дүүрэн байдал , дүүрэх , бүтэн 
  16. position                                 -   байр , албан тушаал , зэргэ
  17.  of fset litography                 -     офсэтийн аргаар хэвлэх
  18. electronic paper                    -     электрон цаас, таб
  19. qualification                         -     зэрэг , боловсрол , мэргэшил
  20. skill                                      -     ур чадвар, мэргэжлийн чадвар
  21. require                                  -    шаардлага , хэрэгцээ
  22. degree                                   -    түвшин , эрдмийн зэрэг
  23. experience                            -    туршлага, дадлага 
  24. sketch                                   -    зураглал, загвар , ноорог 
  25. comprehensive layout          -    дэлгэрэнгүй бүтэц , ерөнхий зураглал
  26. familiarity                            -    сайн танилцах , ойролцоо дөхөм
  27. essential                               -    үндсэн, гол, зайлшгүй , хэрэгтэй 


  1. web design                                   -    вэб зохиомж, вэб дизайн
  2. web development                         -    вэб хөгжүүлэлт
  3. navigation                                    -    маршрут тодорхойлох, хөдөлгөөн
  4. CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)      -    тохиргоот загварын хуудсууд
  5. visibility                                       -    харагдац , ялгарах байдал , ил тод
  6. usability                                       -     хэрэглэхэд тухтай байдал
  7. content                                         -     утга агуулга, зүйлс , агуулга
  8. mandalory                                    -    захирах эрхийн , шаардлагатай
  9. appearance                                   -    гадаад төрх , харагдах байдал , төлөв 
  10. compare                                        -    харьцуулах , жиших
  11. attractive                                       -    таатай , үзэмжтэй
  12. decrease                                        -    бууралт , багасгах , хорогдох


  1. perform           -    гүйцэтгэх , биелүүлэх , хийх тогтоох
  2. complex          -    цогцолбор , иж бүрдэл , нарийн төвөгтэй
  3. query               -    асуулт , асуудал , эргэлзээ 
  4. revenue           -    орлого , санхүү , орлогын данс
  5. function          -    үүрэг , функци , зориулалт
  6. sales                -    борлуулалт
  7. profit               -    орлого ,  ашиг , ашиг тус 
  8. cell                  -    үүр , эс , тусгай өрөө , бүрдэл хэсэг 
  9. spreadsheet      -   хүснэгт
  10. incorreste         -   буруу , алдаатай журамгүй
  11. guidelines        -   удирдлагын заавар , удирдамж
  12. review             -   санал шүүмж , хэлэлцүүлэг , хянаж үзэх
  13. amount            -    хэмжээ , тоо , үр дүн
  14. regarding         -   талаар , тухай
  15. organize           -   эмхлэх , бэлтгэх , зохион байгуулах
  16. client               -    үйлчлүүлэгч , түнш , захиалагч
  17. field                 -   талбай, орон зай , хэсэг


  1. unnecessary      -   хэрэггүй , илүү , илүүдэл
  2. resolution          -   шийдвэр , тогтоол , нарийвчлал
  3. sharper              -   хурцлагч , тодруулагч
  4. quality               -   чанар , шинж чанар , зэрэг , тембэр
  5. encounter         -    таарах , тулгаралт , тулаан
  6. difficulty          -    бэрхшээл , хүндрэл , саад
  7. common           -    нийтлэг , жирийн , ердийн , энгийн
  8. strange              -   хачин , мэдэхгүй , үл мэдэглэх
  9. tint                    -   будаг , туяа , өнгө
  10. exposure           -   илчлэг , нарны туяа , гэрэл өгөх хурд
  11. adjust                -   тохируулах , засах , тохиргоо хийх
  12. contrast             -   эрс ялгаа , зэрэгцүүлэл , харьцуулах

Thursday, September 8, 2016

-Ian-аар  төгссөн                                                                        
  1. electrician-цахилгаанчин
  2. beautician-гоо сайханч
  3. historian-түүхч
  4. musician-хөгжимчин
  5. mathematician-математикч
  6. librarion-номынэмч санч
  7. politician-улс төрч
  8. pacdiatrician-хүүхдийн эмч
  9. printing technician-хэвлэлийн техникч
  10. statistician-статистикч
-Er /or- оор төгссөн
  1. teacher-багш
  2. driver-жолооч
  3. cleaner-цэвэрлэгч
  4. manager-удирдагч
  5. baby sitter-хүүхэд асрагч
  6. builder-барилгачин
  7. doctor-эмч
  8. trainer-дасгалжуулагч
  9. baker-талхчин
  10. dancer-бүжигчин
Ist-ээр төгссөн
  1. Chemic-химич
  2. scientist-эрдэмтэн
  3. economist-эдийн засагч
  4. journalist-сэтгүүлч
  5. sociologist-социологич
  6. biologist-биологич
  7. Argonomist-аргономич
  8. Geologist-геологич
  9. artist-уран бүтээлч