Thursday, November 17, 2016

ICT trends

Referring to both the global and the usa, and japan context, identify the four ICT trends and developments that, in your opinion, have the greatest impact on the ICT sector. Analyse how each of these trends affect your own environment. .
1 The internet: In terms of convenience and speed the internet „out sprints‟ the traditional telephone system. Some of the features that make it this super highway of information are: Ubiquity – it is available everywhere at the same time, as long as there is connection. This ensures global reach that touches many users at the same time. Universal standards – the technical standards of the Internet are the same in all countries.
This breaks down the language and cultural barriers which could otherwise be stumbling blocks to smooth connection. Also, there is interactivity with the use of the „net‟ through the many-tomany model of mass communication.
Laudon, K. and Laudon, J. (2020:330) The internet is a result of ICT development but by its very nature, as just outlined above, it has become a driver of further ICT trends and developments.
We can now talk of the convenience of virtual stores, money transfer, collaboration in projects by team members separated by oceans etc.
High speed broad band technology is increasingly making it more convenient to send large amounts of data or high quality sound and video.
USA and the rest of the world cannot talk about any ICT trend or development and not link it to the Internet. Examples are cloud computing, social networking, the mobile platform, wireless technology and others. But the internet has also spawned some „bad children‟.
We now worry about cyber crimes, phishing, hacking, malicious software etc which are caused by undesirable people amongst us.
My days are not complete without the internet any more. I send emails to my family, friends and business associates.
 I frequently work away from the office. Fortunately while I am away (unlike before the internet) it is possible for me...

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